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London Stock Exchange to receive thousands of honey bees next month

11 Sep

In what is being described as a small effort to address the threat to the declining bee populations in Europe, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) – the biggest stock exchange in Europe – is set to welcome thousands of bees to its rooftop next month!

According to reports, the LSE has already taken delivery of two beehives which will receive their 100,000 residents in a fortnight. The Exchange is working on plans to give honey as corporate gifts.

Even though the move pertaining to hives of honey bees at the LSE is being seen as eccentric by many people, both inside the City as well as outside it, Xavier Rolet – the CEO of the Exchange, and an avid beekeeper – is all excited at the prospects of welcoming the swarms of bees next month.

It is being hoped that the workers of the Exchange will also get involved in the effort, with a spokesman saying that local people and communities – including underprivileged children – will be able to help in looking after the hives, and employees will also get the opportunity to extend a helping hand.

Meanwhile, noting that “urban bees have a wide range of forage, as the gardens and green spaces in cities contain a rich variety of trees and flowers,” the London Beekeepers Association is optimistic that the warmer central London location of the LSE, overlooking St Paul’s, will help new colonies of honey bees to survive the winter.

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