Archive | November, 2011

Event industry may grow by 12 billion by 2020

30 Nov

A report presented to members of parliament earlier this week states that, with the right support in place, the UK events industry could grow from its current value of 36 billion to over 48 billion by 2020.

Commissioned by Britain for Events, the annual marketing campaign promoting the value of event tourism to the British economy, the report shows that the UK events industry could provide a much-needed boost to Britain’s economy over the next decade. As well as the industry’s economic value, the report highlights the benefits of positioning the UK at the centre of international business and the role that events play in bringing together world leaders. The report also outlines ways in which the events industry can work with national and local government to make Britain more competitive internationally.

Phil Mist of the Event Industry Forum commented, “With the countdown to the London 2012 Games and the Queen’s Jubilee well underway, the UK events industry will undoubtedly again show the world that organising major outdoor and sporting events is one of our specialities, and because of our expertise, the UK economy as a whole will benefit.”

According to Michael Hirst, Chairman of the Business Visits & Events Partnership, the report comes at a crucial time for the British economy: “The UK events sector is well set to play a pivotal role in facilitating economic growth and added employment by showcasing Britain as a world class destination for international conferences and trade shows, as well as staging its great sporting and cultural events and festivals.”

BPMA Releases New Industry Research

4 Nov

Promotional merchandise can deliver higher or equal ROI than most forms of advertising

New statistics show conclusive link between promotional merchandise, branding and sales.

Key findings:

• Promotional merchandise can deliver a higher or equal ROI than most forms of advertising

• 66% of respondents said they could remember the brand on the promotional product they received during the last year

• 79% said they were likely to do business with the company in the future

• 8 out of 10 (84 per cent) respondents said that a branded promotional gift increases brand awareness

• Over three quarters (87 per cent) of recipients said they kept a promotional gift for longer than 12 months

• Over half (56 per cent) of respondents said their opinion of the brand/company was more favourable after receiving the promotional product

The first ever in-depth independent national survey into the power of promotional merchandise in the UK questioned businessmen and women about their behavioural trends and preferences for different promotional gifts.

One of the most significant findings of the survey is that promotional merchandise can deliver a higher ROI than radio and outdoor advertising and a ROI that is equal to TV and print advertising. The cost per impression for a mug is £0.001, a mid-range pen £0.001, a calendar £0.004, a USB stick £0.005 and an umbrella £0.003. With an average cost per impression of £0.003, these figures compare extremely favourably with the cost per impression of other media with TV coming in at £0.008, radio at £0.003 and advertising hoardings at £0.003.

Stephen Barker, BPMA board director, said: “These figures show that promotional merchandise is a highly cost-effective form of promotion which gives a ROI that is higher or equal to all other forms of media. While radio and advertising hoardings have a relatively comparable cost per impression, they have a higher cost of entry than promotional items, requiring far larger sums to be spent to achieve this cost per impression. With an average cost per impression of £0.003 promotional items achieve a comparable ROI to media requiring a much larger outlay and it enables companies with a modest marketing budget to punch above their weight in terms of the level of exposure achieved.”
The survey also examined how much the respondents opinion changed after receiving a promotional item, giving a measure of how such products can affect feelings, perceptions and buying activity. Over half (56 per cent) of respondents said they felt more favourable towards the brand/company. When asked how much more or less likely they were to do business with the company in the future after receiving the promotional item over three-quarters (79 per cent) said they were more likely.

Stephen Barker commented: “This is further evidence of the link between promotional merchandise, branding and sales. Promotional merchandise influences purchases and repeat exposure to a brand has a positive effect on how business people react to that brand.”

While over four-fifths (84 per cent) of respondents stated that a branded promotional gift increases awareness of the brand, 63 per cent of respondents said they preferred to receive a promotional gift with logo branding on and 37 per cent indicated that they prefer to receive an unbranded gift.

Nearly half (45 per cent) of people surveyed would most like to receive a USB stick, while 39 per cent would like a pen, 39 per cent an electrical item and 36 per cent a mug.

The reasons for these choices are clear, as when asked what types of promotional gift they found most useful 21% stated a USB stick, 11 per cent an electrical item and 10% a writing instrument.

Stephen Barker continues: “Usefulness is one of the core reasons for people retaining promotional merchandise and is a key factor in it being used time and time again, providing an ongoing reminder of the brand that gave it.”

18 per cent of respondents stated that they had kept a mug for the longest period of time, 15 per cent a USB stick and 12 per cent a pen, with around one-third (33 per cent) indicating they had kept an item for between one and two years and 30 per cent between three and four years, highlighting that around 87 per cent of recipients had kept a promotional item for longer than 12 months.

The impact of promotional merchandise on the recipient is shown by the items that respondents remember receiving in the last 12 months, with 44 per cent recalling receiving a pen, 34 per cent a mug and 31 per cent a calendar, with USB sticks and stationery coming in at 22 per cent and 18 per cent respectively.

Stephen Barker concludes: “The results of the survey unequivocally demonstrate the value that should be placed on promotional products as a key part of the marketing mix. Not only do promotional products make positive impressions on all those who see them, but the message is reinforced every time the product is used and contributes to the user’s needs and wellbeing. No other form of media can give the advertiser such a close tie between the benefits to the user and the brand and message. The findings also provide information that can help marketers tailor their promotional products even more specifically in order to make their promotional spend still more effective.”



Notes to readers:

• The promotional merchandise market is worth an estimated £715million (BPMA)
• The online survey was commissioned by the BPMA and was carried out in Summer 2011 by ActionPoint Marketing Solutions Ltd.
• A UK wide study was conducted of a randomly selected set of 14,728 adults, who were screened on receiving promotional items at either work or home. Students and people under 21 were excluded.
• Of the 517 responses received there were 254 female respondents and 263 male respondents from across a range of sectors including manufacturing, retail, IT/ Communications, media, finance and education. Job titles included Chairman/MD, manager, director, executive pa, administrator.

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